Friday, June 28, 2024

The good, the average, the bad, and the worst

I began living on this planet shortly after FDR’s death and in the early days of Truman’s presidency. 

Since that time, this country has had some good presidents, some average presidents, and some bad presidents. The current president seems like the worst of the bunch.

Last night’s debate put the objective spotlight on President Biden. And it’s very clear to me now that the country is in desperate straits because an incompetent, stubborn, and dangerous old fool is in the White House. And he wants four more years! God help us.

Well, that’s my opinion. Tell me if you think I’m wrong. 

Going forward with my reading plans, I will be giving more attention to American presidencies since 1945. I will begin by rereading the relevant portion of the book shown below. Hey, perhaps I will be less anxious about the future if I immerse myself in the past.


  1. It's rather frightening to think that he lives in this state. Who are the real rulers, I wonder, the people pulling his strings? His wife should be ashamed of herself for letting him be abused in this way.

  2. Well, today at the rally Biden seemed a lot better, but that was scripted and with teleprompters….Biden just cannot respond to questions and challenges…sad spectacle…he needs our prayers….RT
